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世界短讯!be similar in的意思_be similar to是什么意思

发表于: 2023-07-01 03:28:49 来源:互联网

1、be similar with 是某人对什么很熟悉 ,是主动 ,一般后都是人,be similar to 是某物为某人所熟知,与...相似 , 是被动,可以是人也可以是物,be similar in在某方面与……相似,后面可以带从句。

2、一、be similar to英 [bi: ˈsimilə tu:] 美 [bi ˈsɪməlɚ tu] 类;与…相似;类乎拓展资料To legalize it will be similar to that of horse-racing if this proposal is passed.合法化会相似,赛马如果这项建议获得通过。


3、I know, I suppose it must be similar to the River-Boca rivalry.我知道。


5、That would be similar to what apple did with music and the iPod.这听起来与苹果处理音乐和iPod的做法如出一辙。

6、二、be similar in在……方面相似拓展资料We might predict that both the lower and higher vinylogs of benzene should be similar in this respect.我们就能预计苯的较低和较高的插烯物在这方面也应是类似的。

7、The examination should be similar in scope and extent to the testing involved in qualifying a new reference standard.该检验的广度和深度要和用于检测一个新的参考标准品的相同。

8、Hence all the cutters should be similar in size and shape to allow for larger speeds and feeds.因此所有切削刀应该在大小上是相似的和考虑到的形状更大的速度和饲料。

9、三、be similarwith与切近;相像;相似;似拓展资料Drop in the earth, down to the river, went straight to the natural away, and Chiang Kai-shek peaceful purpose should be similar with piano bar.滴在土里,下到河里,直奔了自然而去的,中正平和,应与琴旨相近吧。

10、The anatomical structure of swine heart was found to be similar with human.猪心解剖结构与人类心脏相似。

11、Be similar with economic spatial distribution, the characteristic of population spatial distribution is spatial centrality.经济的空间分布具有集中性特点,人口的空间分布及演化亦是如此。


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